About Povina

Povina Steel Joint Stock Company is a unit specializing in providing complete construction steel and steel cutting and bending services for civil and industrial construction projects. Povina is a level I distributor of construction steel of large steel factories such as Southern Steel, Vina Kyoei, Hoa Phat, Tung Ho …. We are always ready to meet large orders at competitive prices.

From September 2022, our company inaugurated and put into operation a construction steel cutting and bending factory with a capacity of 5,000 tons/month in Phu My II expanded Industrial Park, Phu My town, Ba Ria – Vung Tau province.

At Povina steel cutting and bending factory, with automatic and semi-automatic machinery systems, steel is calculated by specialized software and cut and bent according to the specific specifications of each project

Capacity profile
About Povina

Vision - Mission - Core values


Trở thành Tập Đoàn sản xuất công nghiệp với chất lượng dẫn đầu, trong đó Thép là lĩnh vực cốt lõi


Cung cấp sản phẩm dẫn đầu, góp phần nâng cao chất lượng cuộc sống, đạt được sự tin yêu của khách hàng.

Core values
Core values

Become an industrial manufacturing group with leading quality, in which Steel is the core field.

History of formation


Establishment of Povina Steel Company Limited


Inauguration and putting into operation of construction steel cutting and bending factory with capacity of 5,000 tons/month at Phu My II expanded Industrial Park, Phu My town, Ba Ria – Vung Tau province

Organizational structure

Quality certification

Certificate of conformity TCVN 1651-3:2008
Certificate of conformity TCVN 1651-3:2008
Certificate of conformity TCVN 1651-3:2008
Certificate of conformity TCVN 1651-3:2008
Certificate of conformity to JIS G3532:2011
Certificate of conformity to JIS G3532:2011
Certificate of conformity TCVN 9391:2012
Certificate of conformity TCVN 9391:2012
Processing plant

Processing plant

0 +

factory area



The factory system with an area of ​​over 4,500m2 and a modern automatic and semi-automatic processing machine system with an average capacity of 10,000 tons/month.

With the mission of affirming the brand through quality and service, the bending steel processing process at Povina factory is carried out by a modern automatic and semi-automatic machine system in parallel with strict quality control before being delivered to the construction site.

Using pre-processed bending steel not only helps save costs but also helps shorten construction time.

Partner - Customer